
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Background Wall Art

I found these great adhesive dots (at Homegoods of course)that is instant decor for the wall behind your party table. It brings that extra pizazz to your decorations.

Though I said I was not going to post anything else about the upcoming shower, I had to share this because I fell in love and I'm so excited about how my wall art turned out. I just purchased two canvas art pieces(comes in a pack of 2 at Michael's for 7.99), added the adhesive dots, ribbon, a purple painted wooden letter(from Michael's) and one butterfly..

... and here is the end result!

I wish that I could have placed them right on the wall, but this is a great alternative since the location for the shower will not allow it.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Just Joined TWITTER!

Enchanted Expectations has finally joined the Twitter world. Follow me on all my party planning adventures!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I was featured

My skating party was featured on The Creative Party Place. Thanks for the blog love!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is coming!

Oh Christmas is my favorite time of year. You wouldn't know it since I have not posted one single Christmas Decoration, idea or inspiration. Well I normally don't go searching the web for them. I usually just do what's in my heart and make it work. I'm pretty low key when it comes to Christmas Decorations in my home. A couple of candles in the window, wreath and a Christmas Tree does it for me. Check out my tree and all the coordinated gift wrapping below.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Diaper Cakes & Baby Baskets

It use to be that I was asked to do Diaper Cakes a lot. Now, they are few and far between. Have we evolved so fast that Diaper Cakes are a thing of the past? Well I'm not ready to let go yet. I will be doing a few more before I retire this past popular trend. maybe even adding a couple of new twist!

All cakes and baskets above created by Enchanted Expectations

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fabulous Find

As you all may have figured out by now, I live in Homegoods. I think they have the best party items and I find great inspiration there. This is my latest find. Not sure what I'm using it for as of yet, but I'm sure we will have a good time whatever it is.